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"Part 2 Opt in Design"
Showing 51-100 of 129 items.

Smbtraining – SMB Rock System Videos (5 Parts)

Smbtraining - SMB Rock System Videos (5 parts)The Rock Options Trading System - a crucial element of John Locke's options trading approachA flexible systemThat adapts itself to options market conditionsPresented by John LockeJohn Locke walks you...

Simplertrading – The Obnoxious Profit Method (Truly Obnoxious Profits Strategy)

Simplertrading - The Obnoxious Profits Method - Truly Obnoxious Profits Strategy {TOPS} In this class, you’ll learn exactly how Raghee identifies precise entries and exits using her proven roadmap’. Plus, take the Professional package and live-trade with...

Richard Bookstaber – A Demon Of Our Own Design

Description Inside markets, innovation, and risk Why do markets keep crashing and why are financial crises greater than ever before? As the risk manager to some of the leading firms on Wall Street–from Morgan Stanley to...

Steven Primo – Professional Swing Trading College

Steven Primo - Professional Swing Trading CollegeWhat You Will Learn In Each Of Our 7 Training Sessions… For each of the 45- to 75-minute sessions that Steve conducts, he provides you with the following training and ongoing...

Kevin Davey – Building Winning Algorithmic Trading Systems

Kevin Davey - Building Winning Algorithmic Trading SystemsDevelop your own trading system with practical guidance and expert adviceIn Building Algorithmic Trading Systems: A Trader's Journey From Data Mining to Monte Carlo Simulation to Live Training, award-winning...

John Locke – The M3 Trading System

John Locke - The M3 Trading System Back in the mid-2000’s iron condors, bullish verticals and covered calls were the big things. We had an extended period of time with low volatility up trending market and...

Ninja Trader – MicroTrends Indicators

MicroTrends Indicators MicroTrends is a leading NinjaTrader partner & NinjaScript Certified Consultant Specialists for NinjaTrader Indicators, Strategies & quantative development services Providing Forex, Futures & Equities traders with professional trading tools & trade platform solutions First...

Philipp Caspar Koch – Optimizing Distribution Systems In Asset Management

Philipp Caspar Koch - Optimizing Distribution Systems in Asset ManagementThe asset management industry in Germany has been increasingly facing the challenge to use measures to also optimize its distributions systems as means for securing competitive advantage.Therefore,...

Simplertrading – Introduction To ThinkScript Vol. I, II, III

Simplertrading - Introduction to ThinkScript Vol. I, II, III Customize your indicators, scan queries, quotes, and data mining using ThinkScript for Thinkorswim. Complete your ThinkScript training and develop the ability to design and program your own...

Jonathan Spall – How To Profit In Gold

A golden investing opportunity you can't afford to miss!As most investors know, gold is a "safe haven" asset that can actually increase in value during stock market slumps and recessions. But what else do you really...

Earik Beann – Mechanical Trading Systems (Wave59)

Harness the Power of Mechanical Trading Systems ...and supercharge your trading by automating it! Mechanical trading systems are one of the greatest developments in the history of trading. Turn them on, connect them to your broker, and they...

Tim Short – The Psychology of Successful Trading Behavioural Strategies for Profitability

Tim Short – The Psychology of Successful Trading Behavioural Strategies for Profitability This book is the first to demonstrate the practical implications of an important, yet under-considered area of psychology in helping traders and investors understand...

Basecamptrading – Weekly Power Options Strategies

Basecamptrading - Weekly Power Options StrategiesThe Purpose.To Develop Profitable Traders!The Team.Drew DayPresident and Co-FounderDrew Day is the founder and president of Base Camp Trading, an international speaker and 16-year hedge fund veteran that has been involved...

Basecamptrading – Fundamentals Of Options

Basecamptrading - Fundamentals of Options The Purpose. To Develop Profitable Traders! The Team. Drew Day - President and Co-Founder Drew Day is the founder and president of Base Camp Trading, an international speaker and 16-year hedge...

WarriorTrading – Swing Trading Course

WarriorTrading – Swing Trading Course Check out WarriorTrading – Day Trading Course Warrior Pro Swing Trading Course The Swing Trading Course is designed for new and experienced day traders, part-time traders, and income traders. The Swing...

Basecamptrading – How To Become A More Consistent Trader

Basecamptrading - How to Become a More Consistent Trader The Purpose To Develop Profitable Traders! The Team Drew Day President and Co-Founder Drew Day is the founder and president of Base Camp Trading, an international speaker...

Basecamptrading – Options Trading Accelerator

Basecamptrading - Options Trading Accelerator The Purpose To Develop Profitable Traders! The Team Drew Day President and Co-Founder Drew Day is the founder and president of Base Camp Trading, an international speaker and 16-year hedge fund...

Basecamptrading – Big Morning Profits

Basecamptrading - Big Morning ProfitsThe Purpose.To Develop Profitable Traders!The Team.Drew Day - President and Co-FounderDrew Day is the founder and president of Base Camp Trading, an international speaker and 16-year hedge fund veteran that has been...

Investopedia Academy – Fundamental Analysis

Investopedia Academy - Fundamental Analysis What will I learn? Analyze a stock's income and cash flow statements Identify weakness hidden in a stock's balance sheet Understand which value ratios identify stocks likely to rise Use fundamental analysis to pinpoint a good...

Joe Ross & Tradingeducators – Trading All Markets Recorded Webinar

Tradingeducators - Joe Ross Trading All Markets Recorded Webinar The truth is the truth, and it does not change. If it did, it would no longer be truth. The truth is that all markets are a...

Chris Curran – Trading The E-Minis Successfully for a Living

Chris Curran – Trading The E-Minis Successfully for a Living Chris Curran’s "Trading The E-Minis Successfully For A Living" Trading Course 3 CD+1 PDF Spend Over 15 Hours Learning To Trade Directly From Professional E-Mini Trader Chris...

Steve Nison – Strategies for Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts

Steve Nison – Strategies for Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts Run time: 332 minutes. What are Japanese Candlesticks – and why should traders use them? Japanese candlestick charts are a versatile tool that can be combined...

Dr. Gary Dayton – Chart Reading Mastery Course

Dr. Gary Dayton – Chart Reading Mastery Course Chart Reading Mastery The Unique Comprehensive Course Where You Can Learn to Trade like Top Traders Taught by Dr. Gary Dayton, a Wyckoff expert, trading psychologist and trading...

Basecamptrading – Everyday Profits Strategy

Basecamptrading - Everyday Profits Strategy The Purpose: To Develop Profitable Traders! The Team Drew Day (President and Co-Founder Basecamptrading - Everyday Profits Strategy) Drew Day is the founder and president of Base Camp Trading, an international speaker...

Basecamptrading – MQ Momentum

Basecamptrading - MQ Momentum (Base Camp Trading) Given that Momentum is one of the three primary components of price, the MQ Momentum indicator was designed to communicate the Momentum for any market and timeframe combination. The...

Feibel Trading – Logical Price Action LPA (The Complete Course)

Feibel Trading – Logical Price Action LPA (The Complete Course) LPA our flagship education program; was diligently constructed over a period of 2 years by professional traders. The course has evolved through beta testing from the...

Basecamptrading – 11-Hour Options Spread Strategy 2.0

Basecamptrading - 11-Hour Options Spread Strategy 2.0 The Purpose: To Develop Profitable Traders! The Team Drew Day President and Co-Founder Basecamptrading -11-Hour Options Spread Strategy 2.0 Drew Day is the founder and president of Base Camp Trading,...

David Vallieres – Complete Options Course (tradingology)

David Vallieres - Tradingology Complete Options CourseThe Tradingology Course by David VallieresA central theme in our curriculum is the concept of diversifying risk across different securities, different price levels, and different time frames. In assembling the...

Jens C. – Trading Pro System (

Jens C. - Trading Pro System ( I will tell you right now... my trading system is NOT gambling!Bottom line:I treat trading as a real business. In fact, I don't even consider myself to be an...

Kazuo Tanaka & Hua Wang – Fuzzy Control Systems Design And Analysis A Linear Matrix Inequality Approach

Kazuo Tanaka, Hua Wang - Fuzzy Control Systems Design and Analysis A Linear Matrix Inequality ApproachDescriptionA comprehensive treatment of model-based fuzzy control systemsThis volume offers full coverage of the systematic framework for the stability and design...

Tradingmarkets – Introduction To AmiBroker Programming

Tradingmarkets - Introduction to AmiBroker Programming Learn How To Backtest Your Best Trading Ideas In One Day - Guaranteed! How would you like to have the ability to backtest your best trading ideas? And learn how...

TradeStation – Introduction to TradeStation Coding

Introduction to TradeStation Coding Attention TradeStation Users: Learn How To Program, Backtest, and Automate Your Best Trading Ideas…in One Day! How would you like to have the ability to program, backtest and automate your best trading...

Wallstreetprep – Crash Course in Bonds and Debt

Wall Street Prep – Crash Course in Bonds A step-by-step course designed for those pursuing a career in fixed income research, investments, sales, and trading or investment banking (debt capital markets). This course will teach you...

ART Trading & Bennett McDowell – A Trader's Money Management System

ART Trading - Bennett McDowell - A Trader's Money Management System Size: 3.3 MB Money management may very well be the most important piece of the trading puzzle. In A Trader's Money Management System, expert Bennett McDowell...

Darrin Donnelly – Secrets of the Darvas Trading System

Darrin Donnelly – Secrets of the Darvas Trading System “Discover The Breakthrough Trading System Nicolas Darvas Used To Turn $30,000 Into $2.25 Million In Just 18 Months!” *** NOW Completely Updated and Expanded For Today’s Market...

Daniel Duffy – Financial Instruments Pricing Using C++

Daniel Duffy – Financial Instruments Pricing Using C++ISBN: 978-0-470-85509-6 432 pages June 2004One of the best languages for the development of financial engineering and instrument pricing applications is C++. This book has several features that allow...

TradingMarket – Advanced AmiBroker Coding

TradingMarket – Advanced AmiBroker Coding Are You a Trader Who Is Looking to Learn Advanced AmiBroker Programming Skills to Improve Your Trading Results? You already know that AmiBroker is an extremely powerful tool for performing technical...

John Wang & Grace Wang – AbleTrend - Identifying and Analyzing Market Trends for Trading Success

John Wang & Grace Wang – AbleTrend - Identifying and Analyzing Market Trends for Trading Success A worldwide leader in financial trading software shares one of its most successful systems In AbleTrend, Dr. John Wang discloses for...

Markay Latimer – Trend Trading My Way

Markay Latimer – Trend Trading My Way Learning how to read stock charts and identify price patterns is an important part of the technical analysis process. When a trader understands these basics, they can incorporate them...

David Novac – Building Wealth In Stock Market

Studying ‘Building Wealth in the Stock Market’, is equivalent to spending a whole day with David Novac.In the double DVD program, David takes you step-by-step through his stock investing and trading strategies and rules, including:how to...

John C. Hull – Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities

John C. Hull – Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities For undergraduate and graduate courses in Options and Futures, Financial Engineering, and Risk Management, typically found in business, finance, economics and mathematics departments. This fifth edition...

Ganapathy Vidyamurthy – Pairs Trading: Quantitative Methods & Analysis

Ganapathy Vidyamurthy – Pairs Trading: Quantitative Methods & Analysis The first in-depth analysis of pairs trading Pairs trading is a market-neutral strategy in its most simple form. The strategy involves being long (or bullish) one asset...

Dave Landry – Trading Dave Landry’s Ultimate Bow Ties Strategy

Dave Landry published his bookDave Landry on Swing Tradingin 2000, Dave Landry made public and began teaching one of his best strategies–the Bow Ties Strategy.Among other things, Dave Landry will teach you his best approach for...

Peter Martin – Equities

Product Detail:Publisher: Marketplace BooksMinutes: 60ISBN: 159280215XType: Video – DVDPublish Date: 11/1/2005List Price: $79.95Condition: Brand New in original shrink wrap.Synopsis:Equities with Peter MartinDo you need help interpreting key technical indicators and feel you have nowhere to turn? If...

David Jenyns – Triple Your Trading Profits Couse

DVD #1 – The Mindset

ART Trading – Bennett McDowell – The ART Of Trading

ART Trading – Bennett McDowell – The ART Of Trading An expert in the field of finance reveals his proven trading system As a trading coach and financial advisor, Bennett McDowell has used his own proprietary...

World Class Edge – TTT Mentorship by Patrick Nill

World Class Edge – TTT Mentorship by Patrick Nill Program Overview The TTT Mentorship Program is designed to teach traders how to interpret volume and price action using proprietary research on auction market theory. The curriculum...

Henry Gold – IM Farewell Package

Henry Gold – IM Farewell PackageIf you want to work smarter and not harder and make more money, you want to work with HenryWhat am I going to receive?As you can see above, Henry Gold’s IM...

Sunny Lenarduzzi – YouTube for Bosses

Sunny Lenarduzzi – YouTube for BossesThe Only 4-hour Crash Course That Takes You Step-By-Step to Ranking on Page #1 of YouTube for More Views, Subscribers, and Business.Whether you’re an entrepreneur, small business owner, content creator, social...

Tyler Crowell – Forex Project Advanced Course

Tyler Crowell – Forex Project Advanced Course The Tyler Crowell Forex Project Advanced Course: Mastering the Art of Forex Trading for Profound Financial Success In the dynamic realm of global finance, the Foreign Exchange (Forex) market...